Demand-side flexibility, powered by IoT, is at the heart of the energy transition. At Octopus, we empower customers to optimize their low-carbon technologies, reducing bills and emissions while supporting grid stability. IoT transforms grids into smarter, more efficient, and responsive networks, ensuring a sustainable and resilient energy future.
Anna Casas Llopart, Spanish Flexibility Lead, OctopusSolar energy is a dynamic sector and an essential component of our energy future. Regulators must progressively shift from an IPP-support scheme to an incentive-based approach for consumers. This is how we will boost the development of PPAs and speed up the energy transition.
Aurélie Moron, AkuoSolar plants don't have any choice but to be controllable, accessible remotely and intelligent. It's now a must have and we need to structure our operational setup around this.
Calin Sas, Technical Asset Manager, SunrockDigitalizing the PV sector will raise the potential of what we (and AI) can learn from PV data. Data Spaces, federations and the semantics of interoperable data will empower the PV community to make full profit of shared data.
Christian Schill, Group Manager PV Power Plants, Ise.FraunhoferClimate change is an urgent challenge we are all facing but only through collaborative efforts can we overcome it. Renewable energy will be our most promising ally in the years to come.
Giuliano Luchetta Martins, Solar Data Analyst, StatkraftBridging data and technology is key to unlocking the full potential of renewable energy.
Gofran Chowdhury, Head of Innovation, 3ESolar is powered by people, with a little help from the Sun! That’s why we must equip them with the skills and tools to help them shine in the solar PV sector.
Jacopo Piccagli, Policy & Project Officer - Skills, SolarPower EuropeI look forward to shine more light on the challenges and the opportunities related to the preparation for reuse and reuse of photovoltaic panels.
Jan Clyncke, CEO, PV cycleData sharing in the energy domain improves the accuracy of forecasting models, thereby enhancing the integration of renewable energy into the power grid.
Jelena Simeunovic, PhD Data Science applied in Energy Systems, CSEMGood quality and reliable PV systems depend on getting procurement right and this goes well beyond checking certificates.
Jörg Althaus, Director Engineering Services, ESG and QA, Clean Energy Associates (CEA)At SSI, we're driving transparency and sustainability in solar supply chains, ensuring that renewable energy growth is both ethical and responsible.
Margaux Plurien, Project Officer, Solar Stewardship InitiativeThe solar PV industry is rapidly growing and is one of the vital technologies driving the clean energy transition today.
Molly Morgan, Senior Research Analyst, CRUAI is reshaping industries, and the solar energy sector must keep up. The future belongs to smarter solar systems and bold innovation.
Mousa Sondoqah, AI Research Engineer, EURACMit dem erfolgreichen Upgrade der Photovoltaik zur Zukunfts-Mainstreamenergie stehen Industrie und Endkunden vor neuen Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen. Es ist daher ein großes Privileg diese Bandbreite an Themen in ein attraktives Konferenzangebot zu packen und an der Zusammensetzung von aktuellen und zukünftigen Hot Topics mitzuwirken.
Pia Alina Lange, EU Public Affairs & Policy Director, Trina Solar GmbHQuality assurance is critical for the industry to ensure low cost energy. There are different views out in the industry on why certain measures are taken – either to make a product saleable or to make a product reliable - what does the PV industry need?
Ralph Gottschalg, Fraunhofer CSPKiwa PI Berlin is looking forward to sharing our latest quality assurance findings from inspecting different module types in factories around the world. The Solar Quality Summit is a fantastic opportunity to exchange experiences between buyers, manufacturers, EPCs and advisors!
Steven Xuereb, Executive Director, KiwaSolar’s growing fast, and quality assurance is leading the way! I’m excited to explore the latest outlooks and trends at this year’s Solar Quality Summit.
Therese O Donoghue, Press & Communications Advisor, SorlarPower EuropeSolar Energy is no longer niche technology. It is critical infrastructure Europe relies on. To ensure tomorrow grid is both clean and reliable, we must build it with cybersecurity in mind.
Uri Sadot, Cybersecurity Program Director , SolarEdge TechnologiesThe future of renewable energy depends on embracing automation to unlock its full potential.
Yongsheng Khoo Co-founder, COO, Quantified Energy Labs